Discover the Unshakeable Courage to Stand for What is Right
Two nationally-acclaimed real estate entrepreneurs share biblical principles to revolutionize your work and family life, and give you the courage to stand up for what is right.
This book follows the story of highly motivated and entrepreneurial twin brothers, David and Jason Benham, from their formative years and ventures into professional baseball to their rise as owners of a multi-million dollar business empire which ultimately attracted the attention of HGTV in 2014. Then the media firestorm hit and yet again, the Benhams chose to die to their dreams and stay true to their faith… WHATEVER THE COST.
A Story that is Inspiring a Generation to Face Their Fears, Die to Their Dreams, and Live Powerfully
It’s a journey where the brothers learned how they must die to their dreams not just once, but twice as they walked away from baseball before being called up to the Big Show and later as their TV series was stripped away from them just before airing when the network succumbed to media pressures surrounding their faith. These experiences only helped them realize that the key to powerful living is found when you die to your dreams and face your fears, and choose to live powerfully through it all. The biblical principles they implemented to guide their work and families are revealed in practical terms to apply to our daily lives and give us courage to stand for what is right. The book will expand on principles such as:
- Be a Fountain to Others and not a Drain
- Work to Your Ability and not Your Pay
- Don’t Swing at Every Pitch
- Hold to a Standard of Disciplined Living
- Remember that You are Human Beings, not Human Doings
- And More!
Hey, We're David & Jason Benham
DAVID BENHAM (written by Jason) . . . Oh snap! I have to write a bio on my brother. How do you say “awkward” in Espanola?
I know David pretty well. We shared a womb, we shared a room, and now we share an office. It’s not that I want to be around him that much, it’s just that we’ve found we can accomplish much more by sticking together. For all you women who just said, “Awe, that’s so sweet,” please stop! I’m already uncomfortable enough.
My brother has always been a little more mouthy than me. While I was no angel, I was also not the one who ran away from home twice and jumped out of our black Astro van at an intersection because of a verbal battle with my dad. David fouled out of every single basketball game we ever played. If he wasn’t tomahawk chopping an innocent shooter, he was asking the ref if he offended him in a former life. Although his mouth launched some amazing fireworks in high school, it helped me understand that our greatest weaknesses are often times over-extensions of our greatest strengths. Fortunately, God has transformed his mouth away from being a wrecking ball. But I warn you – if you wanna get in a verbal battle with him…buckle up.
When we were seniors in high school he was drafted by the New York Mets…I was not. While this was normally the most exciting time for a young guy in sports, I could tell he was sickened by the fact I didn’t get the nod. The same thing happened after our junior year of college – it was the Mets again for him, but for me it was just more crickets. Finally, after our senior year at Liberty University we both got drafted, and for the first time in our lives we were…apart. He went to Boston and I went to Baltimore, and for the next 4 years we knocked around the minor leagues learning how to live on our own. For me it was no problem. For him he needed a security blanket and binkie.
After his first season, he married his college sweetheart, Lori. Within six month’s they were pregnant with their first boy, Bailey. Watching Lori chase Bailey around dusty baseball stadiums led him to walk away from the game three years later. But I know the real reason – he couldn’t hit a curve ball! Now they have 5 healthy kiddos and every one of them claim me, Jason, as their favorite uncle.
After baseball we re-united in Charlotte, not having a clue what we were going to do. All we knew was that whatever we did it would be done together. While we had no formal business training we did have Godly parents that built into us a biblical worldview. This provided a sure foundation for our first business, which was in real estate in 2003. Although I’m much smarter in business than David we’ve done pretty well together. He still rides my coattails, though!
JASON BENHAM (written by David) . . . Ummm…how do you say, “he’s whacked” without saying “he’s whacked?”
Jason came out second. I believe that was a foreshadowing of what was to come his entire life…second. He was the second to hit a home run, second to dunk a basketball, and second to bench press his body weight. But that’s ok, he turned out alright…he’s fully recovered from the emotional scars.
Jason called me the mouthy one. I think it’s because when the bad guys came around our neighborhood as kids, I verbally walked them down while he hid behind the tree sucking his thumb. Yes, I had issues as a kid – but who didn’t? I still remember Jason wanting to throw a rock at a brand new 1982 Ford Thunderbird as it passed by our house, but he couldn’t get the guts up enough to do it. As the rock left my hand that day I have often wondered why God made me the brazen one and him the calculating one. Being in business together has brought a lot of clarity to this.
Throughout high school he stapled a piece of paper to the ceiling above his bed with all his goals written on it. At the bottom of the page it said, “Get up, and work hard today!” He would wake up at 5am, pray for a few minutes, and then hit the pavement running. For me, 5am really hurt. The drive Jason had as a kid turned out to be the fuel we needed to grow our company beyond what we could’ve ever imagined. And he’s lucky too, cuz big brother would’ve kicked his butt if he hadn’t brought real value to our entrepreneurial longings.
He was the Conference Player of the Year in college and a draft pick of the Baltimore Orioles, but after breaking his leg in half in the minor leagues he thought he’d never play again. The internal drive he developed as a kid catapulted him back to the top of his game, and a year later he joined me in the Cardinals organization for a second chance. Those were some fun summer nights.
After marrying his best friend, Tori, he walked away from baseball at the end of that season. Although the Cards offered him another minor league contract, he chose to start a family instead. Of course, I know the real reason he retired, he just didn’t want to play in the shadow of big brother any more!
Now we’re in business together, and he’s still walking in my shadow. Did I mention he only has 4 children? There’s just no getting around it for him! We live on the same street, workout at the same gym, and drive the same trucks…but that’s ok, he needs someone to look up to – I’m ok with that.
What Leaders Are Saying About the Book

The Duck Commander and Robertson Family Patriarch from A&E’s Duck Dynasty
Read Endorsement“The Benham Boys have got it down straight! True worship to the Almighty is living it out loud every single day! They also have the right attitude about enduring persecution for the sake of the Kingdom. Welcome to the front-line boys!”

#1 bestselling author of Dreamers and Deceivers and founder of TheBlaze
Read Endorsement“David and Jason Benham are the latest targets of the out-of-control cultural police. By taking a stand for family values they may have lost a television program, but they gained the respect of millions who believe in free speech and in standing up for your principles. While the media worked overtime to make the Benham’s look like members of the Westboro Baptist Church, I found them to be solid Christian men who love all people and accept their differences. I am proud to call them friends and encourage you to read their story because there are many important lessons you can pull from their experience.”

President and CEO, Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and Samaritan’s Purse
Read Endorsement“David and Jason Benham are not only identical twin brothers; they have experienced life’s ups and downs together. Whatever the Cost is a good read for the entire family. Why? It demonstrates the responsibility parents have to teach their children the power of God’s Word, and it challenges teenagers and young adults to build their lives on the strong foundation of biblical truth.
These guys write about the thrill of seeing their dream become reality—being drafted by Major League Baseball—and describe the disappointment of their careers being cut short, having no idea what to do next. But through it all, they learned that faithfulness isn’t proven in the exhilarating times of life but in the ordinary.
This fast-paced story is chock-full of fun, brotherly rivalry, and the competing personalities of two guys working together to build a business that was on its way to becoming a popular reality TV show—until the plug was pulled. They learned that there is often a high price to pay when speaking God’s truth in love. You will be moved with compassion and challenged with resolve to stand on the firm foundation of God’s Word—whatever the cost!”

New York Times best-selling author and nationally syndicated radio show host
Read Endorsement“Amazing things happen when you keep your priorities straight. God. Family. Integrity. Financial wisdom. Generosity. These are the keys to winning, but too many people get it wrong and drive their whole lives off a cliff. In Whatever The Cost, David and Jason show you how to achieve incredible success by making God and family the cornerstones of your life.”

Former governor of Arkansas; host of Fox News Channel’s Huckabee; bestselling author
Read Endorsement“Free speech, freedom of religion, and freedom of association are wonderful guarantees in the First amendment. At least they used to be. They still are wonderful if you are a liberal or member of an aggrieved class, whether real or imagined. But for Christians and Jews, the First Amendment has been repealed it would seem. The latest free speech and religious death penalty handed out to someone who put faith and conviction above money and acceptance are Jason and David Benham. To the everlasting credit of the Benham brothers, unlike so many part-time Christians and cowardly corporations, the Benham’s reaction to having their reality tv show being canceled was a declaration: “If our faith costs us a tv show, then so be it.”
How refreshing that they didn’t cower and capitulate. It seems okay to spew hate as long as it is directed toward people who hold to Biblical convictions. You can promote homosexuality, pornography, profanity, bigotry toward faith, degradation of women in explicit song lyrics, and recreational drug use with impunity, but God help you if you put in a good word for God. And God better help you because no one else will.
Martin Niemoller was a German pastor and outspoken voice against Hitler. He famously said, “First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Socialist. Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Trade Unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.” I hope it’s not too late to speak out, before the first amendment is completely eviscerated.
In Whatever the Cost, the Benhams provide us with a living testimony of two guys who weren’t afraid to speak out—no matter the cost. I know you’ll enjoy their stories, but you will also be moved to display similar courage in standing for what is right.”

Pastor and Oldest, “Beardless” Brother from A&E’s Duck Dynasty
Read Endorsement“This book is a road map for cultural impact! The Benham brothers are open and honest about their failures and victories in their lives that are dedicated to serving Christ. I loved the specific how-tos that are laid out for those wanting to get out of their comfort zones. This book inspired me and challenged me to not shrink back in the face of opposition. I’d run with these boys into battle anytime and anywhere.”

Founder The A21 Campaign Best selling Author Unstoppable
Read Endorsement“The Benham brothers are taking the phrase “Double Trouble” and turning it into a double blessing! As an evangelist, my heart pounds when God’s people proclaim the salvation message, and the Benhams do just that. This battle call will have you pick up your armor and fight…no matter the cost.”

Writer, Director, Actor Love Dare and Courageous
Read Endorsement“This book challenged me from chapter one! Insightful and thought provoking! The Benhams will challenge your integrity and self-discipline, then leave you fired up to live your faith!”

Founder of Q & Author of The Next Christians
Read Endorsement“They simply don’t make men like the Benham brothers anymore. And that’s the point. Their story will shake you and wake you, motivating a courageous way of living your soul longs for but until now, never found its way out.”

Bible Teacher and Author
Read Endorsement“Jason and David Benham are the enemy’s worst nightmare. Their steadfast faith, unwavering commitment to God and unashamed zeal for His Word are a serious threat to the kingdom of darkness in our culture. This book is meant to do exactly what I’ve personally discovered a face to face encounter with its authors does – galvanize believers to fervent faith and action. It will be a divine antagonist to your soul – disintegrating spiritual apathy and sparking an internal fire that will burn long after the last page has been turned. You will love this book and it will mark you forever.”

President, Family Research Council
Read Endorsement“Wow! This is a remarkable story of a family committed to living for God, whatever the cost. David and Jason bring to mind the words of Sir William Wallace, “Every man dies. Not every man really lives.” The Benham Brothers are truly living life abundantly as they refuse to sit on the sideline or shrink back from the epic clash of worldviews that unfold before us. They are standing resolute for the truth of the gospel. I can’t wait to read the sequel as God uses them to stir the heart of the next generation.”

Father of 19 Kids & Counting
Read Endorsement“As a father of 19 children (& counting) and a Christian businessman, I so appreciate how the Benham brothers have energized my faith and encouraged me to stand boldly for Jesus, Whatever The Cost! Their stories are real, their humility evident, and their courage compelling. This book will be a staple in our home. Well done, boys!

CEO, Living Stones Foundation and author of The Integrated Life
Read Endorsement“Full of wit and wisdom the Benham’s teach and encourage us to live a fully integrated life pleasing to God regardless of the cost. The way they uncover the identity of workplace Christians as ministers on mission is life changing. Their unique missions concept – missioneering – provides an out-of-the-box way to bring the gospel to the world!”

President, Marketplace Leaders and author, Change Agent and TGIF Today God Is First
Read Endorsement“Reading Whatever the Cost inspires me to have hope for this generation if we can reproduce change agents like Jason and David. Their story will give you hope that we can turn things around if we, like they, live a Christianity in obedience, whatever the cost. You will gain much wisdom from two young men who are modeling Godly choices that each of us can learn from. You should read this book and then give it to every kid in his twenties. Perhaps we can foster more Jason’s and David’s before its too late. Well done guys!”
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